Buddy! HK First Report Shops all across HK
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<Buddy>is a place for consumers to complain about Shops, Restaurants and service providers. If you find anything problematic or unsatisfactory, remember <Buddy>! Consumers no longer need to spend time searching for complaint channels, such as hotline or email, or waste time waiting for contacting customer service, avoiding the embarrassment caused by public complaints on social medias. We hope to deal with complaints head-on. When consumers complain, we ask you to make suggestions for improvement at the same time. Our mission is to let owners know their shortcomings and improve on them. <Buddy>understands, many people give up complaining or providing advice for its complications. As a result, owners likely miss the information needed to solve these problems. <Buddy>aims to change the current situation,so that all Hong Kong shop owners can fully understand the problematic areas and customers requirements in terms of quantity and quality, so as to maintain a high quality of operation and service.
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